Lho tse 8516 summit 17. May 2017
Summit Lho tse 8516 17. May 12h Me and Nima Dorgy Sherpa View down to BC – Kumbu glacie, Nuptse 7600 and left other Lho tse peak with ice block; like crown. Summit Lho tse 8516m 17. May 12h Finsih Lho tse Me and Nima Dorgy Sherpa Dream team C2 6400m – Me 6 x 8000 peak and Mehdi Gholipour Iran 5 x 8000 , Lakpa Sherpa many-many peak, Ferran Latorre Espana 14 x 8000 peak , Azim Gheichisa Iran 14 x 8000, Mingma David Sherpa many many 8000 peak, Ang Rinje Sherpa many many 8000 peak. C3 7300m Near C3 7300m C2 6400m down to BC Beginning Climbing Lhotse…
Lho tse 8516m success summit 17. May