Lhotse - 2015
Lhotse 2015 – Kathmandu – Kragujevac
Himalaya again Lama blassing me Dining tent befor earth quake and avalanche BC yaks Pudja day before Day before and day 25. April Earth quake shock 8,1` Avalanche – snow-slip About 60-70 dead Former BC 25 Apr about noon Appeal to Western savage Gorak chep Pumori Khumbu morning BC foggy I like going alone throw Himalayan – Vay to Loboche Research Center Loboche glacier Loboche – Befor one month I slept there – Lucky man Track to Periche Periche transport Body dead – Lukla Missing Lukla 2800 Many day no plane House of my friends New part of Kathmandu in the morning Shiva lying – Thanks God that I visiting…
Lhotse 2015 – Biratnagar
30. April 2015. Sleteo sam u grad Biratnagar. Bio sam poslednji na nekom spisku za avion, ali i taj upada i leti. Odavde cemo busom u Kathmandu. Serpas je samnom.
Lhotse 2015 – Lukla
28. April 2015. Sisao sam u Luklu 2800m (aerodrom na steni). Malo je poruseno; rade neke radnje. Ovde nema puta ili jos 6 dana pesice. Nema ni serpasa; svi su se razbezali kucama. Bole me mnogo i ledja. Presao sam oko 70km. Kasljem. Prehladio sam se spasavajuci mrtve. Kupio sam Amoxicilin, samo to ima. Ni danas ne lete avioni. Imam pasos, pare, mobili bez punjaca i vrecu za spavanje. U lodzu sam i cekam nesto 🙂
Lhotse 2015 – Evakuacija
25. April 2015. Sve su nas evakuisali u Gorac Chep, samo rancic sa licnim stvarima. Nastavicemo u Loboche. Jos malo ce noc. Borba
Lhotse 2015 – Zemljotres
25. April 2015. Bio je zemljotres. Velika lavina sa Pumoria pogodila je srednji deo BC. Nas deo je delom zatrpao sneg, ali nema povredjenih. BC je porusen. Ima puno zrtava. Ja sam OK.
Lhotse 2015 – Friends
21. April 2014. I met my friend Chin Chuan from K2, the only surviving in Taban killing in Nanga Parbath and talking with him abount ather lost friends. Also I met Azi from Iran who give me at least 5 Dexamethason and carry me on Kanchenjunga when I was sick. I thanks my life to him…And many ather friends.
Lhotse 2015 – Commemoration day
18. April 2015. Today is commemoration day about 18 people, here, near C1, avalanche dead last year. No climbing now-day, but only shower and washing day. All the best Dragan
Lhotse 2015 – Happy Easter
12. April 2015. Its now snowing in BC, over 50cm. I enjoy in beautiful himalayan nature, clean glacier water,nepaly food, in fresh open air and all day rest. Dragan
Lhotse 2015 – Base camp
09.April 2015. After plain-helio and 4 walking days, I reached Lhotse BC 5300m in good temperament and met many friends from previous expeditions. Best regards Čela
Lhotse 2015 – 8516m
Kathmandu 2. Apr 2015 Ministarstvo Sporta Srbije je dalo uredbu da se sportisti računaju samo do 45.god starosti, To je neustavna diskriminacija, jer su svi ljudi po ustavu jednaki. Tima ova moja akcija na Himalajima ispada iz domena sporta Srbije. Next Expedition 2015 8516 Makalu 2014 Uspešno Successfully Makalu 8463m Hot day; glacie stramlet Ice fall after C2 (6600m) Makalu la rock-ice on the downwards Makalu la on the back C4 on the back Face back to C4 7600 after summit Canadian assuming team on the summit Everest Lho tse from Makalu Summit after night climbing Makalu 8463m C4 7600m Way to summit Kang chung tse 7640m from C4 7600m…